Ceremony Confers Commendation from Japanese Foreign Minister to Mr. Barry J. Chaim

Consul-General Sasayama confers the Foreign Minister’s
Commendation to Mr. Chaim
On Nov. 8, the Consul-General of Japan in Toronto, Mr. SASAYAMA Takuya, conferred the Foreign Minister Commendation of the Government of Japan to Mr. Barry J. Chaim, Founder and CEO of the EDO Group of Companies, in a special ceremony at the Consul-General’s Official Residence. The Foreign Minister’s Commendations are awarded to individuals and groups with outstanding achievements in international fields, in order to acknowledge their contributions to the promotion of friendship between Japan and other countries and areas. The Commendations also aim to promote the understanding and support of the Japanese public for the activities of the recipients.
Mr. Chaim opened his first Japanese restaurant in Toronto in 1987 and has devoted much of his career developing appreciation of Japanese cuisine, or washoku, among Torontonians. He also helped establish the Japanese Government Scholarship Alumni Association of Ontario in 2012 and served as its first Chair. In 1995, he raised funds in support of relief efforts after the Great Hanshin/Awaji Earthquake. The Foreign Minister’s Commendation was awarded to him in recognition of his contributions toward the promotion of Japanese culture in Canada.